Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Debate Ignores Westerners

My prediction that we would not hear the words "farmer, navy, 1911" in last night's debate was ALMOST true.  Stephen Harper mentioned the word "farmers" in the context of how the long gun registry was impacting "farmers and duck hunters [in Quebec!].  However,my larger point was true - there was no discussion of issues important to Westerners, say agricultural policy, from either a producer or consumer perspective. On another issue of importance to AltaSask folks, energy policy - no discussion other than Jack Layton's gratuitous slur of "the big oil companies".  He doesn't seem to be aware of how many "Canadian families" earn their livelihood, directly, or indirectly, from the oil and gas sector.
Scene from the Heavy Oil Show in Lloydminster, AltaSask
In a similar vein, I don't believe the word "Alberta" occurred during the debate but the word "Quebec" popped up so many times one lost count. None of the citizen questioners featured were from the Prairies.  Overall, the impression was that the debate was largely for the amusement of jaded political junkies who themselves are out of touch with the values and concerns of most Canadians, especially those in AltaSask.

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